If you are looking for high quality spare parts compatible with the components included in the electric or electronic system of the road sweeper manufactured by Bucher-Schorling / Ros Roca 2020, this is the right place to find them.
Here you will find the most common wear-out components for the different electric systems and electronic devices of your Bücher-Ros Roca Citycat 2020 road sweeper.
You can also buy control joysticks, solenoids, lamps, press buttons, control knobs, potentiometers and sensors, all of them manufactured of high quality materials.
You can also buy most of the electric accessories for your Bücher Citycat 2020.
Select the parts you need from the references listed below, or click on the left menu for your Schorling sweeper to list the rest of parts available for your machine.
If you cannot find on this web site what you need, feel free to contact us on info@teclimur.com to locate the correct part, or call us at: +34 968676912 and you will receive assistance from a technician.