Haller X2 - Bin lifters


In this section you will find all the components related to the Zöeller MGHK bin lifts of Haller X1 and X2 compactors.


We offer you all the necessary components to keep your Zöeller MGHK bin lifters for Haller X1 and X2 compactors always ready.

You can choose the different spare parts separately to repair your own lift: covers, hydraulic cylinders, bushings, pins, tightness seal sets, pistons and all the mechanisms.

We do also have all the electric components compatible with all the versions of Haller X2 collection trucks.

Select the spare parts among the list of references you can find below or click on the menu on your left where your Haller compactor appears so that you could display a list of all the available spare parts for your machine.

If you cannot find on this website the parts you need, please contact our customer service at +34 968 676912 or send us an email to info@teclimur.es and we will help you locate the correct part for your Haller compactor.

Shock absorber buffer for bin retention in Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 1000000557* / 050007041*

Applicable to Zöller MGHK bin lifters mounted on Haller X2 compactors.

Rubber stopper with support for the bin lift device in Haller X2 compactors equipped with Zöeller MGHK 300 bin lifters.

Each Haller X2 needs 2 rubber stoppers.

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

Complete lever with cable for the bin lid opener manual operation in Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 0020000090* / 1541391*

Applicable to Zöller MGHK bin lifters mounted on Haller X2 compactors.

Control lever for the manual operation of the bin lid opening device in Haller X2 compactors equipped with Zöeller MGHK 300 bin lifters.

Each Haller X2 needs 1 lever.

Steel cable and carabiner included.

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

Support for the lid opener lever assembly in Haller / Zöeller GMHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 0030002044* / 1546803*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

Winch for the lid opener cable in Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 - 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 0030003050* / 1538687*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

Cable for the lid opener operation in Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 0020000091* / 1550895*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

Carabiner for the cable clasp for the lid opener operation in Haller / Zöller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original reference 0702040150*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

Support element for the assembly of the buffers in the bin retention system in Haller / Zöller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original reference 11223310*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

M10 8.8 DIN 982 self-locking nut for Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original reference 0701113061*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

M10 DIN128 spring washer for Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 809025* / 62720116* / 0701380100* / 809057* / 118637*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

M10 hexagonal head screw for Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 0700831900* / 7121008*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

M12x40 hexagonal head screw for Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 08185* / 61071711*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

M12 DIN985 sel-locking nut forHaller / Zöeller MGHK 300 - 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original references 0022205* / OV7558* / 1142119* / 76527*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912

DIN125 12 mm. diameter washer for Haller / Zöeller MGHK 300 / 320 bin lifters

Compatible with Haller / Zöeller original reference 218405*

For any questions or to place an order contact us by email info@teclimur.com or by phone +34 968 676912