Here you will find the parts you need if your garbage collection truck is equipped with a compaction system manufactured by Geesink.
We have the largest spare parts program in Europe, compatible with Geesink urban waste compactors.
In our catalog you will find hundreds of spare parts compatible with your MSW/RCV compactor for Geesink GPM 2 ValuePack model as well as for GPM 3 modern systems.
To locate your spare part, go through the areas your team needs to repair: Mechanics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Electronics or simply type in the original reference of the part you need in the browser on the top right side of this page and let us do the job for you.
In the different sections, you will find pins, cylinders and hydraulic Denison pumps, aluminium blocks, press buttons and, shortly, any necessary element to keep your Geesink collector always ready.
Should you have any query, please contact us through our customer service e-mail or telephone us +34 968 676812 to receive advice from a technical sales counselor.
For a better service, don´t forget to give us the model and serial number of your Geesink compactor.
Our online spare parts catalog is constantly being updated with new references.
If you cannot find on this website the parts you need, please contact us through our customer service e-mail or telephone us +34 968676912 to receive advice from a technician and locate the correct part for your Geesink GPM GPM II or III compactor.
Our goal is to keep your fit in a simple, low-cost and quick way.